Wednesday, 17 September 2014

How a wedding led to another wedding.

In line with our tradition, we present to you another interesting story of a beautiful couple Yukti and Kamesh. Guess where they met? At a wedding!!! (As the title suggests). Gorgeous Yukti, born and brought up in Pune thinks Kamesh is an extremely loving, considerate and thoughtful person. They met at her cousin’s (Kamesh's best buddy) wedding; to her he is a custom-fit partner. Kamesh revealed that Yukti's nickname is Mona and seemed like a girl full of life when he first saw her. He says she is loving, caring, not easily angered (although she disagrees with this bit), no tantrums, no drama. How could Kamesh not fall in love with her at the very first sight! 
They met at Mona’s cousin's wedding who happens to be Kamesh's childhood buddy and business partner. A week long spree of wedding functions and seeing each other around got them a little attracted however, they kept it to themselves as they were sensitive about the family and business relations. "My sister in law had a good mind and set us up, cupid struck and well after that there was no stopping us" says Mona.

Thus began the courtship! Both of them share similar taste buds and so on most of their dates they ended up eating together. Watching movies together is something like a norm for them, the movie doesn't really matter to them, it is the time that they get to spend with each other is momentous to them (literally heart-melting stuff guys :P) "2013 was a year of ups and downs and the end more than made up for the downs, we met on 21st which was a sign of good times ahead. 2014 for me began with a cake from Mona, with ‘To new Beginnings’ on it." Kamesh tells us fondly. (So guys and gals where are your baking pan??

Soon after they met, work took Kamesh to China for 10 days. "Those 10 days were special in a funny way, both of us were away and yet craving to be with each other, and talk to each other but the international calls and the times zones...Aggrhh... Kamesh would constantly look for Wi-Fi zones so that we could connect on Viber and Skype (our saviors). Kamesh would sleep late and I’d wake up early just so we could catch up with each other, something very crucial to the beginning of any relationship. And the joy of seeing each other after those 10 days was incomparable" shares Mona (Mere piya gaye Rangoon, waha se kiya hai teliphoon...

There is a restaurant named Siya, which is special to them as they most of their dates ended up there. City Pride Abhiruchi (a not so fab place) holds a soft corner in their hearts as they met there for their very first date and first movie, Dhoom 3 (they secretly told me that neither of them were very keen on watching the movie. I say: the movie made it more easier for them to concentrate on each other... bwahahaha) They soon plan to visit their dream destinations: Cuba, Austria, Greece and Pondicherry. 

And as usual, we will end it with a note about the photographer. What the couple has to say about the photographer: "Taher never gave us uncomfortable moments, even at the cocktails he was busy capturing in his own way and never even letting anyone know. During the wedding and the reception we enjoyed getting ourselves clicked rather than being conscious about it" laughs Mona.

What the photographer has to say about the couple: "It was such a pleasure working with Yukti and Kamesh, they were so carefree and emotive, I was able to get the best out of them. The wedding was a breeze and our team enjoyed a lot" says Taher Husain of Amour Affairs.


  1. I always love reading these love stories - thank you for sharing!!

  2. Aw! I love the long distance phone calls and re-arranging their sleep schedules to keep in touch, how romantic! Also, the picture of the bride with the red veil looking out the window is beautiful.

  3. They are a beautiful couple. Such a romantic love story.

  4. Thank u taher... Reading this is nostalgia.. Reminding us of the how cupid struck .. Haha.. Thank you amour affairs for the amazing clicks...

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